Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How do we define habit?

Quick Write: Write about one bad habit you have and one good habit.

One bad habit that I have would be eating a lot of candy especially when I am trying to stay fit and not put on much weight. One good habit that I have is waking up early and getting ready on time for whatever the occasion. 

Today we will begin thinking about habits. In what ways are they good and in what ways are they bad?

 Step 1: First watch this video.

 Step 2: After you have watched the video, write a reflection defining habit in your own words. Think about these critical questions:

  • What is good about habits? 

Habits help us automatically do certain thing that require little to no effort thanks to its repetitive nature.
  • What is bad about habits?
The bad thing is that sometimes those habits become so ingrained in our everyday lives that it becomes almost impossible to break without knowing the cycle.
  • How can we use habits productively? 
We can use habits in anyway we choose, For us to make productivity apart of the habits we need to understand what are the good habits and which are the ones we need to change or get rid of in order to make ourselves better as a whole. Habits are powerful and play a big role in our everyday lives one change could make a drastic difference in our future.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


AIM:  How do we understand Bauby's farewell? 

Alan Ruck Cameron animated GIF 

Have you known someone who was has been on their deathbed and in their final hours? How does it feel, What could be going through that persons mind? , If you have not been in a situation like this before, Try to imagine how it would possibly be. Give details.








Friday, May 16, 2014


Aim: How important is it for Bauby to have an "active" imagination? 

Quick write: Your personal views on the importance of an "active" imagination. 

 I think that an active imagination is crucial in life. If we as humans did not have any imagination then our life's would be boring, people wouldn't have anything interesting to say. Think about it, If we as people didn't have imagination or use it, There would be no advancement in technology, there would be no one questioning why things are the way the are, No one would be outgoing it would be just a bland world with humans inhabiting it with nothing new.

Today's lesson is to read pages 109-113 in The Diving Bell And The The Butterfly and then discuss whether or not Baubys imagination is essential to his physical estate.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Art and Cultural Exhibition Project




What is the flag? 


The flag of Guyana, was designed with a golden arrowhead along its middle to signify Guyana's journey into the future. The golden arrowhead, with narrow white and black strips along its sides, was set on a green and red background with narrow white and black strips along the sides of the arrowhead. The five colors were also seen as symbolic to the country various assets: green for the agriculture and forests; gold representing the country's mineral wealth; red for the zeal of nation-building; black border, depicting the people's endurance; and white symbolizing the natural water potential of the country.

Location and Geography. Guyana is on the northeastern shoulder of South America, bounded on the north by the Atlantic Ocean, on the east by Suriname, on the northwest by Venezuela, and on the south and southwest by Brazil. The capital city is Georgetown. In an area of 83,000 square miles (212,000 square kilometers), there are three regions: the narrow coastal belt of rich alluvium; the densely forested, hilly sand and clay belt; and the Rupununi grasslands between the rain forests and the frontier with Brazil. Over 90 percent of the population lives on the coastal belt, which is below sea level. The Dutch, using African slaves in the eighteenth century, made this area habitable. Every square mile of cultivated land has forty-nine miles of drainage canals and ditches and sixteen miles of high-level waterways.

Demography. The population was 758,619 in 1980. It had declined to 723,800 in 1991, and an estimated 720,700 in 1996. In 1991, the population consisted of 49 percent Indians; 35 percent Africans; 7 percent mixed race peoples; and 6.8 percent Amerindians. Indians are of the following religions: Hindu, 65 percent; Muslim, 20 percent; and Christian, 15 percent. Massive migration has led to the virtual disappearance of Chinese, mixed, Europeans, and Portuguese.
Linguistic Affiliation. The official language is English. No African languages survived slavery, nor have those of the indentured laborers (Indians, Madeiran Portuguese, and Chinese). Guyanese speak creole dialects of English with varying ethnic lexical imprints. However, all dialects are mutually intelligible.


  1. Set in the crown of South America, nestled on the North-Eastern shoulder, defying the raging Atlantic Ocean, Guyana's many waterways reflect the source of its name "The Land of Many Waters" Guyana was discovered in 1498 by the Europeans, its history; therefore stretches back a bit more than 500 years. Guyana's past is punctuated by battles fought and won, possessions lost and regained as the Spanish, French, Dutch and British wrangled for centuries to own this land.
  2. After the 1964 elections the PNC and the UF were able to form a ruling coalition, and Burnham became prime minister. Full independence was negotiated in 1966. In the elections of 1968 and 1973 the PNC won a majority, and Burnham continued as prime minister. Guyana gained its Independence on the 26th of May 1966.

What are its traditions and customs? 

Guyanese culture reflects the influence of African, Indian, French, Amerindian, Chinese, British, Dutch, Portuguese, Caribbean and American culture, reflected in the various festivals celebrated throughout the year. Most of the festivals have special significance to Guyana. Many religions are practiced in Guyana, the predominant ones being Christianity, Hinduism and Islam, Muslim.

Mashramani, sometimes referred to as "Mash", is usually observed on the 23rd day of February - Guyana's Republic Day - to commemorate the "Birth of the Republic". It is probably the most colorful of all the festivals. There are spectacular costume competitions, float parades, masquerade bands, and dancing in the streets to the accompaniment of steel band music and calypso's. Masquerades frequent the streets performing acrobatic dance routines, a vivid reminder of Guyana's African heritage. Calypso competitions with their witty social commentaries are another integral part of "Mash", and this culminates in the coronation of a King or Queen for the particular year. 

Phagwah is a Hindu religious holiday observed in March to celebrate the triumph of good over evil. Hindus traditionally wear white on Phagwah day and indulge in the throwing upon each other of a harmless liquid called abeer. Abeer is a red dye which symbolizes the blood of the tyrannical King Kiranya who in Hindu lore was ordered burnt alive by his son Prince Prahalad because of the suffering which his people endured at the hands of his father. Powder, perfume, and water are also thrown on family, friends and neighbours on this day by Hindus and non-Hindus alike in what is an amusing, good-natured and joyful celebration. 


Its is really hard to say how the people of Guyana think because their were so many different cultures and countries who have had their influence on the people and the country. Guyana is a third world country, For most of the early years upon its discovery it was fought for by the many different countries of Europe. Also having African slave along with indentured Indian servants made Guyana very diverse population wise. The culmination of these different cultures leads to a mindset of wanting to expand and grow. Everyone that I know personally who has roots in Guyana or was born and raised there seem to have a attitude that is, Work as hard as you possibly can and eventually you will make it. Their is a relentless will to most Guyanese people who are all for the most part, "Go-getter's". The people who are from the country when they come over to American see the country as it is proclaimed "the land of opportunity ". That is the mindset of Guyana and of Guyanese people, We work very hard to get where we want to be, Never settling for minimal effort, Always looking for a better brighter future.

Friday, May 2, 2014

How does memory relate to "I think therefore I am"?

Diving into Memories


A very happy memory I have came along time ago, It was when I went on vacation with my family to Florida. We didn't fly there instead took a little road trip, It was both of my parents and my 3 brothers. We had an amazing time together, laughing playing, sleeping all on the way their. I will never forget it because it was the only time where all 6 of us was together as a family going to another place outside of home. I really am not sure how I would feel if that memory was stripped from me. I can say honestly that I don't remember every little detail about the trip, So for me the memory has already faded just a bit, However it is not completely gone and would never leave my mind. If it were completely removed from my brain I don't think it would exist to me because I would know nothing of it and i wouldn't remember.

Step 1: Listen to this podcast of a Radiolab episode devoted to the science of memory. In this segment of the podcast, Oliver Sacks tells the story of Clive, a musician who suffered “the most severe case of amnesia ever documented.”

Step 2: Complete this 3-2-1 worksheet as you listen. Alternatively, you can take notes using the Cornell note-taking sheet or the Reciprocal Teaching Worksheet available in the classroom.

Step 3: After you have listened to the podcast, discuss your 3-2-1 worksheet with a partner or your class.

Final Reflection: You previously interpreted the quote “I think, therefore I am.” Interpret the quote once again as it relates to Clive. In other words, does Clive know he exists? Does he exist? What does all of this say about memory? Finally, what’s your brainy explanation for Clive only remembering love and music? Post this final reflection on your blog.

I really do believe that Clive knows he exists. Clive, although has the most severe case of amnesia ever documented, still has the ability to perform and carry out most duties on his own. Clive also remembers his wife and music, He is very fond of both not from first sight but with touch, feeling, and hearing, He can distinguish them as they are. This proves that his thoughts are still there. An explanation for why he only remembers his wife and the love of music would be very complicated. But it goes without saying that something's in life that you have a true deep love and passion for can never really be stripped from you, Or in other words stays with you forever.

Thursday, May 1, 2014



Imagine if you were diagnosed with a paralyzing condition that resulted in you not being able to communicate with anyone (it doesn't have to be locked in syndrome). What would your emotional state be like? Would you feel like giving up or would you persevere?  What would you want to say to the people around you---family? Friends? Doctors? etc.

I actually couldn't imagine myself with a paralyzing condition. I had one dream about it before and it was the most agonizing thing my mind has ever conjured up. My emotional state wouldn't be healthy, I wouldn't want to carry out life anymore, Maybe if there was a chance that I could come back from the condition then maybe I wouldn't give up I would do my best to persevere. I would tell the people around me after making contact with the condition that I would like to be put to rest. (If there is a chance that doctors or medicine can save me) Then I will stick around.

Activity: Go online and research 3 types of paralyzing conditions other than locked-in syndrome. After you've researched, respond to the following:

1) Which out of the conditions do you consider to be the worst? Briefly explain why.

Locked-In syndrome would be the worst in my opinion, Because all you have is your mind and your eyes in some case you just have control from the neck up. This would definitely be the worst compared to some paralyzing conditions where you are just paralyzed in one part of the body, Locked-In syndrome is paralysis of the entire body.

2) If you had to live with one of these conditions, which one would it be? Explain why.

I wouldn't want to live with any of these conditions, This is a question I would hate to answer because no one wants to live through such pain and misery. Maybe there will be a few people whom can do it but I definitely can't. 

3)How do you think the emotional state of a person living with each of these conditions is? How does this relate or differ to Bauby?

The emotional state of the people would be similar to Baubys, Its tragic but if you do have a positive mindset then it can definitely change your outlook on the condition. 

How do we evaluate Bauby's mindset in writing his memoir?

In the Blink of an Eye

Step 1: Today, we are going to try to understand Bauby's method for writing his memoir by reading "The Alphabet" and applying his technique ourselves.
So Bauby used his left eye to communicate all of his thoughts and feelings, And even used it to write his memoir. That is absolutely amazing! I never thought something like that could be possible. The only thing I would stress is that he has someone who is already capable of comprehending this method of communication so that there is little to no speed bumps along the way to get a sentence out. I am amazed at how strong Jean-Dominique's mind must be to not get angry at this form of communication. But its all hes got!!!

Step 2: After reading the chapter, think of 1) something that you need to do today, 2) something you want to do today, and 3) an opinion you have about how this day is unfolding for you. Pretty simple stuff, right? Here's the catch: Communicate these three things to a partner using Bauby's blinking technique. (Left eye only!) Use the English letter frequency chart above to spell out the words with your partner.

Spending 20mins just trying to get one sentence out isn't something that anyone would like to be burdened with, This is too much!!! 

Step 3: Write a reflection about the experience. State your opinion about Bauby's mindset based on your own personal experience with this grueling communication technique.

  I really would not be pleased to have this as a method of communication. I can only imagine how Bauby must feel only using his eyes to communicate all of this thoughts to anyone. Its so hard to comprehend as well (speaking on the other end of the spectrum) trying to get what that person is saying just from a wink. This is is just terrible and I really don't like to think how Jean would feel if people misunderstood him. Then again, All hes got is his mind... However frustration is bound to settle at some point in time don't ya think?

Next week, we will be reading the memoir seminar style. Although everyone is responsible for reading all of the memoir, each student will take charge of a section of the book for a day, teaching a lesson and leading the discussion. The sign-up sheet for sections is in the classroom. 
- Ms. Becker

How do we apply our knowledge of imagination and memory to Bauby?

Quick Write:  

What does imagination mean to you? How important is it? What about memory? Can you have one without the other?

Imagination is very important to me. In fact I love to use my imagination all the time. Now my memories are great withing themselves, However when ever I have a good or bad memory I will use my imagination to  enhance it which I personally think is a great idea. I really do not think you can have imagination without memory, I truly believe that they walk hand in hand and are very important for ones mind.

"Ni hao! (How are you in Chinese.) Frankly, I'm jet lagged. The video above was taken a few days ago in Shanghai, China. I asked the kind Chinese ladies to wave to my students.

Today we will start thinking about imagination and memory and how it applies to Jean-Dominque Bauby. We will be reading the memoir seminar style. Each student will take a section of the book, teaching a lesson and leading the discussion that day. Let's spend today getting back in the groove.

 Shanghai, China!!! Always wanted to travel to China, Maybe someday I will. The videos you took there were very nice. Good to see another part of the world through your lens. The Chinese women all seemed happy and friendly, that made me smile!

Reading the book this way helps me get a better understanding of it rather than if I were to read alone. Today was really helpful. Definitely gotten back into the groove!

How do we apply our close read of "Science of the Soul" to Jean-Dominique Bauby?


Reflect on what you learned in detail this week in at least one well-organized paragraph.

I have learned something new within this past week. Its a cultivation of things we have discussed leading up to this point and the biggest thing that I really can take away at this point is how strong the human brain really is. Our minds are essential in our lives and without a strong one then you will be drastically limiting yourself in all aspects of life. I tend to take a positive outlook on life now more so than ever before. I usually keep my thoughts and feelings to myself, But as of late I have been willing to express myself because I realized that sharing these things are also a critical part in growing and improving your mind. Overall what I can say is that if you have a strong mind, no matter what. You can make it through to the other side.

Step 1: By now you should have read the article about the “Science of the Soul.” 
Question: How do the ideas in the article apply to Bauby? Do they apply to Bauby?
The article is very interesting as it does leave room for debating the "I think, therefore I am" theory. However in Bauby's case I believe that if you were to take this theory and say that it is true then Bauby would definitely exist. He is alive and based off the theory since his mind is fully functional and he is capable of having thoughts and his feelings are intact then that would mean that he exists. Personally I wouldn't try to apply whatever was said in the article to Bauby, I do believe that humans have souls and I don't think its fair to say that if people couldn't have thoughts then they do not exist. Their is a bunch of people who are mentally impaired, But their feelings are still there so I can't say if someones brain can not function properly then that labels them as non-existing.

 Step 2: Synthesize all of this heavy thinking into a cartoon that gives a graphic reflection of your opinion on the human vs animal debate. Show your readers your opinion on what and how animals think as opposed to what and how people think. Be creative with your graphic story.

Cartoon Completed in my previous post. :)

How do we analyze the difference between animals and humans?


I believe animals have souls, I believe that any living organism has a soul. It would be hard to explain how but that is just my belief. One good reason why i believe animals have souls is that they interact with other animals and also with humans. Animals bond with humans just as how humans bond with each other. Even though animals can not really express their feelings, We know when they are feeling happy or if they are experiencing pain.

The comic shows that there is a lack of understanding when it comes to humans communicating with animals. Humans can only speak their language to the animal in hopes that the dog will understand or at least get the gist of what they are saying. Animals understand nothing other than words that they are familiar with like a called name i.e Ginger, I believe that animals will learn overtime with repetition but if only said once it will just sound like "blah blah blah" to them.

 "I think, therefore I am."

I disagree with this saying mainly because Rene Descartes says that only thinking will classify you as existing. Now I do believe that yes having thoughts does mean that you are relevant and do indeed exist however there are many things that contribute to being alive, fully functional and very well existing in this world. Having emotions, getting sick or being very healthy, speaking, listening can all be signs that one exists. That is why i don't completely agree with the quote by Rene Descartes.

If there is indeed a physical (scientific) basis for thinking and feeling, what in your opinion is the basic difference between animals and humans?

The basic difference between animals and humans would be language. I think that communication is so often forgotten for its importance in society. With common language we can communicate our thoughts and feels to one another and with animals and humans having that difference its very hard to bridge that gap.

How would you characterize Bauby’s life after his stroke? How has his severe physical impairment affected his feelings or thoughts? Has locked-in syndrome changed his identity as a human being? Has it affected his “soul”—whatever that is? Why or why not?  

I would characterize Baubys life after his stroke as very sedimentary. He has no control over his life anymore, Although the physical impairment is so great, I will say that it has not affected Baubys feelings or thoughts. At first he may have thought that this would soon be over but after the realization came into place that he does indeed have locked-in syndrome Bauby's identity was sort of changed. I think it was changed in a minor way however because now he would be known for the associated group of symptoms instead of for what his occupation was before. I don't believe Bauby's soul was affected at all, He is still the same person on the inside and made the decision of enjoying life even after such a tragic incident occurred. After hearing this story, It makes me realize that there is so much in life to live for and that giving up on it is never the best option. Thanks Mr. Bauby!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

How do we begin analyzing Jean-Dominique Bauby's character?


This week 1 (No Effort) I wasn't here for the peer editing, I got into the class late but I will do my best for future works. 1 (No Effort) I didn't get the essay because I wasn't in class, But I will definitely try and make it up. Participation in the Socratic Seminar, 4 (Exemplary) I think the my participation in the Socratic Seminar was very good. I enjoyed discussing the public selective schools in full detail and I had many questions to ask for the other classmates whom knew a little more than I did on the topic. To that end, 3 (Proficient) I made good connections with the text into our discussion but I still wasn't quite sure what the whole topic was about even though I got most of it there is still more I can learn. We reflected on what is known as locked-in syndrome and this is new to me as I have never heard of this syndrome before so I had many thoughts to share about it, Such as the cures. If there is one, How do people get the syndrome?, What it would be like living normally and suddenly having the syndrome change your life?. (4 Exemplary).


Heres my mind map

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How do we use questioning to evaluate locked-in syndrome?


Identify the people, places, things, ideas that make life worth living for you personally.

There are so many things that make my life worth living at this very moment in time. Going through my mind right now as i sit down and reflect a couple of the most important ones are, Graduating school, Going to college, Going further with my education. Those are goals that are in no specific order along with my family and sustaining a great career and being independent.


3 Observations
a) People with locked-in syndrome cannot move their body.
b) Locked-in syndrome makes the human body paralyzed.
c) He seemed happy to still be alive and with his family.

2 Questions
a) Why do people get locked-in syndrome (What are the causes?)
b) Is there any cures or treatments for locked-in syndrome?

1 Feel, Reaction or Emotion
a) I feel really bad seeing people with locked-in syndrome, It doesn't look like a pleasant way to live life. 

Quick Write Response after reading:

There is so many things to look forward to in life that can keep a person going and motivated to continue living their lives the best way that they can. A person with locked-in syndrome has no ability to enjoy life physically what so ever and can still find joy in living life after they have made contact with such a neurological disorder. I guess what I am trying to say is, A humans mind is capable of making bad situations good, and good situations even better. It is all up to the individual and how they choose to go about it. Everyone is different and with that being said, What we consider a reason to live/ daily motivation will hugely vary from one individual to the next. However one thing is certain that if you keep a positive outlook on your life then it will yield greater satisfaction and thus make for a better quality of life.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

How do we define and understand mindset?

Quick Write:

If you could change any attribute or characteristic about yourself as a student, what would it be? Explain.
I really wouldn't want to change anything about myself as a student to be totally honest. Ive spent most of my time trying to change things about myself as far as being a student goes, But now that i have changed in such a drastic way, All that i am looking to do is improve on what i have already changed. For example i never used to get up early to make it to school on time, Now i do it everyday and it feels great to be able to get up in the morning and go through my daily routine before heading out to school. How would i improve on that? Simple, There are times were i will stay in bed just to get an extra 10mins in but i can always just get up. So its little things like that, In which i can change in order to improve on myself as a student overall.


Before you leave today, post a reflection at least one-paragraph in length connecting what you wrote in today's Quick Write to what you learned from your reading so far.

While reading I looked back at my quick write just to see if I what I wrote would connect with this first chapter. Now one thing I definitely learned is that there are 2 different mindsets in which individuals can carry the (fixed and growth) mindsets. I always understood that people could have certain mindsets that would either restrict or let them expand their normal thinking. What I didn't know is that one could have a fixed mindset which in my own interpretation means that one is already well-off and believes there is nothing more he/she can do in order to build on what they already have/know. I always believed that people have what is referred to as a "growth" mindset in that, No matter if they have great or little knowledge that individual will still continue to learn and enhance what they already know. I think both mindsets are connected however, As you can changed from one mindset to the other with reasons. Now this is something I would like to learn more about is that; Why and How would a person change from a growth to a fixed mindset or from a fixed mindset to the growth mindset. Once I learn what are the causes and effects I will better underlying question which is "how do we define and understand mindset?".

Monday, March 31, 2014

How do we define and understand grit?

Quick write:

One time where i really failed was on my permit test. This is a funny story actually because i had only studied for about a week. And i told my father "I'm ready, take me this Friday." He responds "Are you sure?, I didn't even see you reading the driver's manual." Of course i told him yes i definitely am ready and we went. After taking the exam i was talking to my dad as if i had aced the permit exam, The teller calls my ticket # and i look at my dad and say "I'm going to be driving tomorrow!" As soon as i get to the counter, She looks at me and says "Come back on Monday, You failed." I felt so embarrassed i told my dad lets hurry up and get out of the DMV. I hadn't felt that bad in a long time. Ever since then i have taken all the essential steps in order to assure my success in any test or exam that i take.

Read these statements and decide if you mostly agree or disagree with each. When you have finished share your answers with a partner.

1. Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't change very much. (D)
2. You can learn new things, but you can't really change how intelligent you are. (D)
3. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit. (A)
4. You can always substantially change how intelligent you are. (A)

Read these statements about personal qualities and character and, again, decide if you mostly agree or disagree with each one. Then, share your answers with a partner.

1. You are a certain kind of person, and there is not much that can be done to really change that. (D)
2. No matter what kind of person you are, you can always change substantially. (A)
3. You can do things differently, but the important parts of who you are can't really be changed. (A)
4. You can always change basic things about the kind of person you are. (A)

Angela Lee Duckworth stated made three claims;
  •  That I.q and how well off a student is does not determine whether or not that student will be successful.
  • Children who have grit, overcame failure regardless of their I.q or Failure.
  • Grit can be taught to children by simply leading with example. 


Grit for me was developed over years and years of basic trial and error. Life is a learning process and throughout my childhood i had no problem with school. Things came easy i was a fast learner and did well in school naturally. Safe to say when i was younger i didn't have any grit at all because i didn't fail consistently. When i grew up and experienced more of what life has to offer, i realized that i would fail more than once before ultimately succeeding in whatever it is i was doing at the time. This class makes me realize that i am a gritty person, Ive always worked hard to achieve my highest and greatest goals, no matter if i am not smart enough or not strong enough or just not ready. I give my best and go through the process always looking at the end result and the rewards that it would yield. School is definitely where most individuals will learn if they have grit and/or build it slowly through perseverance. I will always be improving who i am as a person and will always be interested in constantly developing my grit!


Friday, March 28, 2014


Hello; Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Andy Khan. I live in the Bronx. Im a high school student that is looking forward to graduation in these coming months. I would like to explore peoples minds and sort of get an idea on psychology. This would be great as i am heading to college for the fall semester and this course i will get me better equipped to face real life problems that can only be solved by ones mind! A Simple question i have to start off with; Is the study of the human mind complex?"
Funny Jim Carrey animated GIF