Thursday, May 1, 2014

How do we apply our knowledge of imagination and memory to Bauby?

Quick Write:  

What does imagination mean to you? How important is it? What about memory? Can you have one without the other?

Imagination is very important to me. In fact I love to use my imagination all the time. Now my memories are great withing themselves, However when ever I have a good or bad memory I will use my imagination to  enhance it which I personally think is a great idea. I really do not think you can have imagination without memory, I truly believe that they walk hand in hand and are very important for ones mind.

"Ni hao! (How are you in Chinese.) Frankly, I'm jet lagged. The video above was taken a few days ago in Shanghai, China. I asked the kind Chinese ladies to wave to my students.

Today we will start thinking about imagination and memory and how it applies to Jean-Dominque Bauby. We will be reading the memoir seminar style. Each student will take a section of the book, teaching a lesson and leading the discussion that day. Let's spend today getting back in the groove.

 Shanghai, China!!! Always wanted to travel to China, Maybe someday I will. The videos you took there were very nice. Good to see another part of the world through your lens. The Chinese women all seemed happy and friendly, that made me smile!

Reading the book this way helps me get a better understanding of it rather than if I were to read alone. Today was really helpful. Definitely gotten back into the groove!

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