Imagine if you were diagnosed with a paralyzing condition that resulted in you not being able to communicate with anyone (it doesn't have to be locked in syndrome). What would your emotional state be like? Would you feel like giving up or would you persevere? What would you want to say to the people around you---family? Friends? Doctors? etc.I actually couldn't imagine myself with a paralyzing condition. I had one dream about it before and it was the most agonizing thing my mind has ever conjured up. My emotional state wouldn't be healthy, I wouldn't want to carry out life anymore, Maybe if there was a chance that I could come back from the condition then maybe I wouldn't give up I would do my best to persevere. I would tell the people around me after making contact with the condition that I would like to be put to rest. (If there is a chance that doctors or medicine can save me) Then I will stick around.
Activity: Go online and research 3 types of paralyzing conditions other than locked-in syndrome. After you've researched, respond to the following:
1) Which out of the conditions do you consider to be the worst? Briefly explain why.
Locked-In syndrome would be the worst in my opinion, Because all you have is your mind and your eyes in some case you just have control from the neck up. This would definitely be the worst compared to some paralyzing conditions where you are just paralyzed in one part of the body, Locked-In syndrome is paralysis of the entire body.
2) If you had to live with one of these conditions, which one would it be? Explain why.
I wouldn't want to live with any of these conditions, This is a question I would hate to answer because no one wants to live through such pain and misery. Maybe there will be a few people whom can do it but I definitely can't.
3)How do you think the emotional state of a person living with each of these conditions is? How does this relate or differ to Bauby?
The emotional state of the people would be similar to Baubys, Its tragic but if you do have a positive mindset then it can definitely change your outlook on the condition.
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